Matt KennedyThis year I will read more, hopefully…With the New Year around the corner, if not already here by the time you read this, I wanted to take some time to reflect on reading in…Dec 31, 2024Dec 31, 2024
Matt KennedyThis year I want to read more.Not the first time you have heard this, right?Apr 5, 2024Apr 5, 2024
Matt KennedyMy experience with the Kindle Scribe after 6 monthsWhen the Kindle Scribe was first announced I was excited, very excited. Until the review starting coming out.Mar 3, 2024Mar 3, 2024
Matt KennedyA must read for any writer. Stephen King On WritingIf you want to improve your skills as a writer, learning more about the craft is essential, and Stephen King’s On Writing is a great…Mar 30, 20231Mar 30, 20231
Matt KennedyLessons from the Science of StorytellingThe science of storytelling is a book by Will Storr, that dives into storytelling covering areas like story structure, what a story is, and…Feb 20, 2023Feb 20, 2023
Matt KennedyHow The Kindle Changed My LifeI was never much of a reader through my early years up until my mid-20s.Nov 20, 2022Nov 20, 2022
Eva KeiffenheimThe 51-Minute Editing Framework to Feel Confident When Publishing Your ArticlesA clear blueprint to improve your writing.Aug 1, 20228Aug 1, 20228
Matt KennedyUsing voice to text to write an articleIn short it might not be the best way to write an article but there were a few benefits I did find through doing this.Jun 26, 2022Jun 26, 2022
Matt Kennedy6 Lessons for Writers from War of Art by Steven PressfieldThe War of Art by Steven Pressfield is a short and compact book with several great lessons that can help grow your writing skills or give…Jun 12, 20221Jun 12, 20221
Matt KennedyWhat I have learned from writing and publishing one post per day for the last 100 daysThe last 100 days for me have been a real whirlwind, of highs and lows, good and bad. The thing is the numbers don’t really matter, and…Oct 26, 2021Oct 26, 2021
Matt Kennedy1 YouTube video to inspire writersLooking for some inspiration? well, you have come to the right place!Oct 16, 2021Oct 16, 2021
Matt Kennedy3 Marketing Tips for WritersThe writing part I may still be in the early stages of and have lots to learn, I have however learned a few marketing tactics that can be…Oct 6, 20211Oct 6, 20211
Matt Kennedy5 benefits of writing every dayWriting every day can provide you with many benefits.Oct 3, 2021Oct 3, 2021
Matt KennedyWhy are you writing?A question I have just asked myself and I will ask you.Sep 29, 2021Sep 29, 2021
Matt KennedyA writing process that is working for me.It could also work for you.Sep 22, 2021Sep 22, 2021
Matt KennedyDrawbacks of writing and publishing every dayAlthough it can be a good place to start building a positive writing habit, there can be a few drawbacks to writing and publishing every…Sep 21, 2021Sep 21, 2021
Matt KennedyMust Read Medium Articles to Improve your Writing.I have come across several helpful posts, so if you are looking for ways to further improve your writing this will be a great place to…Sep 20, 2021Sep 20, 2021
Matt KennedyWriting advice that works. Read.Starting in your writing journey? here is another tip that has helped me so far, and will hopefully help you.Sep 16, 20211Sep 16, 20211
Matt KennedyIn it for the long game. Writing advice that works.I have come across a lot of writing advice, some that worked, some that did not.Sep 15, 2021Sep 15, 2021
Matt Kennedy2 books to start with as a new writerAtomic Habits by James Clear and The Art and Business of Online Writing by Nicolas Cole are two must-read books for anyone starting in…Sep 14, 2021Sep 14, 2021