Matt KennedyReturning to Stadia in 2022Cloud gaming has been around for a few years now, with Google Stadia alongside Xbox being two of the bigger names. I was a little hesitant…Jul 8, 2022Jul 8, 2022
Matt KennedyWhy you should buy a PS Vita in 2021I am new to the Vita having missed out on the initial launch back in 2012. Having picked one up for the first time in 2021, it is a…Sep 10, 2021Sep 10, 2021
InSUPERJUMPbyMatt KennedyGuild Wars: The Game That Changed Everything for MeHow a game can make a place for itself in your lifeJun 16, 20212Jun 16, 20212
Matt KennedyGaming as a fatherThroughout my life gaming has always played an important role and I have always enjoyed spending some of my free time relaxing and starting…May 22, 2021May 22, 2021
Matt KennedyMy Story Around Retro GamingThe first memory I can recall around gaming would have to be visiting my cousins house at the weekend, being allowed into his bedroom…May 26, 2021May 26, 2021
Matt KennedyMy Highlights from E3 2021With this year’s E3 coming to an end, I wanted to share the announcements that got me most excited in the world of gaming. This will be…Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021
Matt KennedyMy story with NintendoThe original Nintendo Gameboy was my first game console, apart from playing on my cousin’s Mega Drive and space invaders on my dad’s…Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
Matt KennedyIs Nintendo’s Next Competitor Emerging?In light of Steam’s recent announcement a few weeks back, around their new gaming handheld, are we going to seeing a true competitor to…Aug 17, 2021Aug 17, 2021
Matt KennedyIn the countryside, far far awayMy first memory of Star Wars was when my uncle, gave me ‘A New Hope’ on VHS, for those younger readers out there, VHS was the 90s…Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
Matt KennedyNeed for Speed Underground. Genre DefiningOkay, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but this one game at least for me changed how I looked at racing games.Oct 19, 20212Oct 19, 20212