Marketing tips for writers

Matt Kennedy
4 min readAug 4, 2021

In light of Medium’s latest feature being released, allowing your readers to easily subscribe directly to you for updates, whenever you publish. I wanted to share a few quick tips I have learned from my career in marketing so far, with the hope of helping better promote yourself as a writer and a brand.

Learning the basics

Alongside the main skill of a writer, being writing, in today’s digital age, being better at promoting yourself and connecting with your audience is just as important.

Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

You could be writing some of the best stories and articles of our time, but if the right audience, doesn’t know who you are and cant easily find it, you are out of luck.

Here are a few useful resources, from books to videos, that I hope will provide you with as much of the marketing fundamentals and inspiration as it has me.

  1. This is Marketing by Seth Godin. For those in the marketing profession, Seth’s wisdom and advice shared through his blog and books provide a clear and unique look into how to market your brand, business, and yourself better. Find out more information and links to buy the book on Seth’s website here
  2. Marketing yourself, a short video by ‘the Futur’ is well worth your time to help better understand how you can better market yourself, you can watch the full video on YouTube here. They also have a range of great interviews that are also worth looking into which focus on marketing and branding.
  3. Hubspot is another good place to get marketing insights from their blog and they also offer a range of free training courses, a few of which over the years I have found to be very helpful, in refreshing my own knowledge. I would recommend reading their post around marketing techniques in 2021 here as a starting point.
  4. If you are just starting out and are looking to create a mailing list, so over time you can connect directly with your readers, I would advise looking into Mailchimp, they offer a free starting version and is fairly easy to get off the ground, they also offer a range of help and support, and have some interesting posts on their blog, you can find out more information and a quick starting guide from Mailchimp here.
  5. Now I don’t agree with everything Gary Vee says, however, I can’t deny, how he has effectively used marketing across his own career and the impact he has had, His book Crushing it, is worth reading, and if you are short on time, although from 2019 is still relevant today, watch his video around marketing strategies here.
  6. I first came across this video, just over 2 years ago, even though it is now almost 5 years old, this video with Marie Forleo and Seth Godin, is inspiring, watch it now, you will not regret it!
  7. Google offer a range of great, free courses to get to grip with the basics, I would also recommend checking out their marketing trends and insights they share on ‘Think with Google’ If you are starting out and looking for a course to make your way through in your spare time I would recommend starting here (again completely free)
  8. I also wanted to share a few great Medium articles to get even more marketing advice from others, as what has worked for me, may not work for you, the key is to learn, experiment and see what works best for you.

Before you go

If you want to find out more about Medium’s latest update, you can read the full post here.

I hope the resources shared, help and inspire you as much as it has done so for me. Over the coming months, I will be planning to go more in-depth into particular areas, to help share more of what I have learned to help you learn from my mistakes and successes.

If you have any questions, need any advice or help, feel free to get in touch, either by leaving a comment below, message me on Twitter, or contact me directly via email.



Matt Kennedy

Focused around Video, Storytelling, Digital Marketing, Writing, Reading and Gaming. You can find out more on my website: