Wow steady on… hang on one minute. Firstly not all your books!
My hope is after reading this, you might change how you look at your pile of unread books.

Antilibraries Are the Better Libraries by Eva Keiffenheim
When I first heard of the principle coined as an anti-library it was here on Medium, a great article in fact by Eva Keiifenheim, which you read here.
I had recommended this article quite a while ago, but what I wanted to share was not just why you should read it, but to share how it has changed the way I think, for the better.
My history with Reading
I will preface this by stating throughout the majority of my life, I was never really a reader, in fact, I had hardly read any books at all, up to around my early 20s. Why spend hours reading a book when I could watch a video and get the same information in less time?
In short, I was wrong, very wrong, and I have had a good 20 or years of catching up to do with my reading.